Monday, November 07, 2005

A short time ago in a country far, far away...

Hi everybody! As promised, I've created a blog--yes, I've become one of those people. I'm sitting in a PC room in my little neighborhood in Suwon and I finally figured out how to change the settings on this computer to accomodate an English speaking "waygook" like myself. While I don't yet have pictures to share, I promise they will come along very soon. Believe me, I've got plenty of material to shoot.

First order of business is to let everyone that I haven't contacted yet know that I made it over here in one piece, sanity intact. I won't kid you guys, the flight was a bear. I should preface my flight synopsis by saying that I had this bright idea of wearing a thick sweatshirt and down coat to save luggage space. It's November, right? It must be chilly somewhere in-between St. Louis, San Francisco and Suwon, right? WRONG! November 4, and it's 75 degrees across the globe, which made walking around the airport with two twenty pound bags and three layers of clothing all the more enjoyable.

At least I got to fly Singapore Air, which is fantastic. After transferring from AA, which wouldn't even give me peanuts on a four1/2 hour flight, I was welcomed aboard Singapore with a steaming hot towel. My greasy, sweatty face was beaming underneath the ridiculously hot towel. I was also given a complimentary comfort pack, which consisted of a toothbrush and paste and a pair of purple socks with tread on the bottom. I didn't make that up, I've still got the socks. I had a personal LCD screen with an on-demand package. So much for reading War and Peace on the flight (sorry, Tim G.).

Despite the movie marathon, I really started getting stir crazy about 61/2 hours into the flight. At least I thought that was the duration--I had not brought a watch and had no concept of time elapsed other than guessing from what I watched and estimating how long I had slept (not very long sitting in an upright position). At least I didn't go hungry. The cuisine was excellent for airplane food, and I had some decent riesling to go with it. Despite the excellent service and entertainment, 12 hours on a plane is 12 hours on a plane. I was a zombie for the next two days and finally slept through the night last night--three days later.


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