One big happy family

This party started in Cain's apartment, and ended up in a western pub called the Wa Bar. It's really nothing like the pubs back home, but it does attract us whities nonetheless. This is a pretty typical scene, with the players from left to right being Laura, Georgina, Gina, Barb, Andrew, Bryan, Marie (back), and Steph. Everyone in the picture is a teacher, and most of them are from Canada. The expat community here has a real university feel to it. We all get along well and it's always fun to get together and celebrate our white diversity.

Here are a couple of Canadians named Francis and Laura. This is how small-town Canucks pose for pictures. These gals were introduced to our group through Cain, who ran into them on the street in Seoul. It's amazing how that happens to Canadians over here. These girls grew up in the same town as Cain and happened into him in Korea. I've seen this kind of thing happen many times in my brief stay. I seriously doubt I'll ever run into anyone from back home here, but I've learned it really is a small world after all.
The next photo is of the perpetrater of this party, Cain. Cain is from Canada, big shock, but his parents are both from Ireland. Therefore he has a Canadian-Irish accent, which is a linguistic enigma. Cain's good people.

This last photo is of another fellow American, Gina and her bottle of soju. She decided to pose with some strange looking fellow--I'm not sure who this guy is. He was kind of odd in that he was drinking bottled water while everyone else was drinking wine, Guiness, or soju. The explanation was something about an outrageous lent proposition. I don't know, every party has its crazies. He had a good time, though, and seemed to really enjoy everyones' company.

Oh Chris... too bad I missed the party. Looks like you all had a good time, though! See you soon!
Oh my. Glad our 'wild animal' camera pose has been posted for all the world to see. Maybe it will inspire world peace.
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