
The above picture was taken in the teachers' office in between festivities. Left to right are Erica, yours truly (don't ask me what the costume is supposed to be), Joan, and Charles. Halloween is a busy time at Boston as it is our biggest party of the year. I had arrived last year just after, so I hadn't seen this firsthand. There was a ton of work leading up to the day, but admittedly very little was done by me. I did chip in with the haunted house and stayed up til 3am painting on the 30th. When the actual day came along, most of the guys were exhausted.

The kids made the hard work worth it. We had a haunted house (because it was so dark and tight-spaced, I was unable to get any decent pictures. I spent most of the time in said haunted house hiding behind a wall and scaring the kids as they came through. It was alot of fun except for the time I was hit in the crotch with a plastic trident. When I wasn't scaring the children, I was on pinata patrol, which consisted of blind-folding kids, spinning them around, and then getting out of the way of their wildly flailing bat. The night was full of festivity, candy, and laughter. I'm happy the kids had so much fun, because I was completely worn out afterwards.

Another year, huh? I kind of figured that would happen. Glad to see you are enjoying life over there so much. Any plans to come home for a visit though? With holidays approaching, I wondered if we would see you around at all.
Nice costume, BTW. What the heck is the guy on the right?
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