For those of you who've wondered where I've been lately, I took a trip home to see my family and friends. It had been just over a year since I'd been home, so I took the opportunity to spend the holiday in the exotic land of, um, Missouri.

Mom and Dad were kind enough to pick me up at the airport. The journey from Seoul to San Francisco to Los Angelas to St. Louis is a long, taxing one. I left Seoul Saturday at 5pm and arrived in St. Louis Saturday at 8:35pm. While I had used only 3 hours in time, the actual time elapsed was about 20 hours. I flew Singapore Air to San Francisco and then American Airlines to L.A. and St. Louis. Going American after Singapore is like drinking Boone's Farm after Rothschild. The wine simile displays a smaller gap in quality, however. The first couple of days in town were spent recovering from jetlag at my parents house. Jetlag is no joke, kids.

Monday evening I met my brother and his lovely daughters Summer (left) and Allison. We met at our favorite Mexican restaurant Pueblo Nuevo. I had a mission to eat quality Mexican food, and Pueblo delivered the goods. Homemade tamales in green sauce--yummy. While I love the food in Korea, good Mexican is something I've long ago given up on. To think I once thought it was hard to find Mexican food in Missouri! The girls were sweet and beautiful as ever, and they were even kind enough to pose with their proud uncle. Too bad I didn't wear pink!

Having gotten the essential Mexican feast out of the way and having seen my family and friends in St. Louis, I made the trip back to my old stomping ground in Columbia. I left on Wednesday and surprised my beautiful sister by popping into her gallery unannounced. It was the first time I had seen her new business, and it was quite gorgeous without being snooty (Perlow-Stevens Gallery, Broadway, Columbia). I was able to spend some q time with her and her family (Chris, Clayton, and Charlie). I had realized that in the bustle of seeing everyone, I had been unable to capture a picture of the ever-active, yet smart, beautiful and lovable Charlotte (Charlie). Clayton and Chris... sorry too, fellas. The best I could come up with was a shot of these two mugs, Tim (left) and Paul. I spent Wednesday night shooting pool with the usual suspects--just like old times! Paul had taken over the soccer team after I left, and the boys are much better for it. They are thriving under the sponsership of Booches, the great old tavern which employed me through college (also the place where this picture was taken).
I spent Christmas eve in St. Louis, where the pictures are captured in neat slideshow form at We had a nice night with the extended family at Uncle Steven and Aunt Debbie's house. It was great to see everyone, although it was too brief. That is the trouble of being in the state for only two weeks... it's difficult to find the time to see everybody let alone spend significant time with them.

Christmas day was spent at my sister's house in Columbia. Here is a shot of me with Jennifer and Arnie. If you can't tell or don't already know, they're my sister and brother. Aunt Shirley, Mom and Dad, and Arnie's nice new friend Rebecca made the trip that day. I have to take this opportunity to announce that Shirley is the greatest aunt in the world, but isn't pictured. We had an abundant and delicious feast that day consisting of delectable appetizers provided by Rebecca and a succulent crab-stuffed tenderloin provided by my sister. It was a special Christmas for all of us. The only thing that soured it was the viewing of "The Devil Wears Prada" that evening. Yech! I spent a couple of more days in Columbia, doing more of the same--hanging out with the family and then with the boys at night. I should mention that I ate pork tacos at El Rancho, which are the tastiest friggin things on the planet. No joke.

After going back to St. Louis, time was sparse. Two weeks went by in the blink of an eye. Now it feels like the trip was just a dream. It really did happen, as I have the pictures to prove it. I was able to get together with some friends at Growlers (another old familiar stomping ground in Creve Couer). Some of my old Backbar Rover teammates were able to join me, including our latest recruit who's being groomed for the future. Left to Right we have Matt (right midfield with a cannon), Antonio (forward or midfield like his old man), Andy (dynamic and feisty defender), Chris O. (proud papa, manager, captain, and speedster forward), myself (transferred to a Uzbekistani squad), Brad and Mike (no skills, just there for the beer). Also there with us but camera shy are the Pulzins (Matt and Michelle with their beautiful daughter) and Eileen (O's better half and star of my Thailand blog from last year). It was great seeing the boys and drinking quality draft beer. Think it's easy to find a Newcastle pint in Suwon?
Friday night I spent the night out with my brother and Rebecca, and we were in good form. We toasted the town (or got toasted) and said our goodbyes that evening. Saturday afternoon, after saying bye to Mom, who had to work, Dad and I had lunch with Chris O., his beautiful and talented wife Eileen, and his handsome boy Antonio. Afterward, Dad took me to the airport and bid farewell. I spent that evening in San Francisco, where I saw the Flaming Lips with Gnarls Barkley. If you're unfamiliar with those bands: Check them out. The show was amazing, and a perfect send-off. The Flaming Lips were kind enough to count down the new year a day early, which was convenient considering I would be on a plane over New Year's Eve. I left San Francisco at 12:30pm on December 31, and arrived in Seoul at 7:00 January 1. Try wrapping your head around that one. I worked the next day and struggled to stay awake. I've since recovered and gotten back to normal, and am ready to resume my adventures in Korea. This year is going to be great and should be full of more adventures and pictures. Happy New Year Everbody!