Tuesday, November 15, 2005

There's Something Fishy about this Place

I want to preface this post by saying that this country has alot going for it. I've walked around three different cities with absolutely no worry whatsoever of being attacked, mugged, or worse. The people have been warm and friendly, and the food (I've been able to sidestep the landmines thusfar) has been terrific. The streets are lively and fun, and there are a million things to do. That being said...

DAMN, THIS PLACE SMELLS FUNKY! I mean, walking around, about every 15 yards there is an air pocket of pure funk. Imagine the smell of this fish stand... Okay now imagine that there is one of these every 20 feet and you're beginning to get a feel for the scent of the marketplace. Not complaining here--I love the marketplace--just telling how it is. The air is alive with funky fish aromas (odors).

The second distinctive funk pocket comes from the trash. The city dwellars never really figured out what to do with their trash, so they just kind of scatter it around. Don't get me wrong, they are making an effort. They used to just burn everything so there was a burning garbage funk pocket which was probably more like a funk cloud. So now they have a 4-tiered sorting and recylcing system. The problem is that noone really knows how this works and if the trash isn't sorted properly, it just kinda gets left on the curb. Seeing how noone knows what to do with trash, you don't see many trash cans around (Who wants that kind of responsibility?). This wouldn't lead to a litter problem, would it?

Anyway, funk pocket three is from the underbelly of the city--the sewage. I'm not really sure why I get an occasional whiff of this but I think it may have something to do with the massive population and the fermented cabbage they eat with every meal.

All of this being said, I still haven't come across a smell funkier than the alley behind PaddyO's (shout out to my homies). And it isn't as if the air is totally gross. It is more of a deal where your walking along and every 10th step or so you just kind of wrinkle your nose and say "Damn". I've already made it a running joke with my neighbors when we're walking along and I stop and say: "Hmmm. That's odd... It smells like fish."


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