Game on!

Hi everybody!! It's been a slow couple of weeks with little to report. There have been no mountain excursions to report, nor have there been any adventures. Not to say that life is dull, but I don't have any exciting pictures to show or tales to regale audiences. We did have a birthday party for my friend Hoki last Saturday. This is how Koreans traditionally pose for pictures on their birthdays. I dunno, it must be the confucianism in the water. Many friends were in attendance and we surprised Hoki by showing up at his restaurant. A good time was had by most everyone.

Now... to the really important stuff. Yesterday my Uzbekistan team unveiled our new uniforms--Barcelona style. Kits like these make me feel like the proverbial kid in the candy store. I asked our manager what I owed him for the uniform and season, to which he replied: "For you Chris, free of charge." Sweet. Technically, this means I'm now a professional. On this day we destroyed the French team (the one that took first place last season) 5-1. I think the new unis inspired us. I know mine inspired me. This was just a scrimmage, and our season begins in earnest the first week of March. I predict a first place finish this time around. I've gotten to really like this group. I have a specific niche on this team and we are gelling more and more each game. Oh yeah, by the way, I'm bald now. I had the good sense to shave my head right before a nasty cold snap. I wanted something to make me stand out, since I blend in seamlessly everywhere I go in Asia. In all seriousness, sticking out like a sore thumb is something I long ago got used to. I don't have anything else to add right now, but wanted to show off our new kits to the world. I have another topic that is completely unrelated that I wish to explore this week, so stay tuned.
Chris I got your blog address from your Pop, so thought I would check it out on the school WG tax dollars. The "kit" looks great so I assume you are ready for the Steinclub Challenge?
Great to read about some of the goings on, a buddy did a similar stint in Japan and stayed on for another year after he was done
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