Alright, Alright.

I was telling a colleague the other night that I would never post a picture of myself on my own log. Why, you ask? Just to keep the friends and family back home wondering if I ever got a haircut. The answer thus far is obviously no. Since this is the only picture I will ever show of myself (Keep in mind I said two days ago I would never post a picture of yours truly), I'm glad I'm wearing such a lovely blue shirt.
Going clockwise around the table, sitting next to me is Theresa. I met Theresa earlier that evening at a briss. Sitting next to her is Veronica, whom Theresa and I met on the subway. Sitting to her left is her second cousin Jeremetrius and his girlfriend Fantasia. The gal sitting next to her, Violetta, is self-conscious about having no nose, thus she would only agree to be in the picture if she could hide behind Anastasia, pictured at the right forefront. Anastasia is a sherpa who would later guide us around Itaewon. Not pictured is the lovely Gilian, who is not pictured because she is on the other side of the camera.
Itaewon is a part of Seoul in which there are a bunch of cheesy western bars and jacked-up drink prices. It should be noted that there is a major army base in Itaewon. It took us about one hour to get there by subway. I'll give the place this much: We did have some extremely delicious Thai food and the place has tremendous energy. The group pictured was a fun, intellectual bunch whose company was very much enjoyed. While I met a bunch of really cool people in Seoul the weekend before, I had no real desire to talk to anyone outside the group in this spot. It was like the nightclubs back home: filled with drunken adrenalized meatheads (present company included). I regaled the ladies with my overblown tales of my stint as a bouncer (NEVER say doorstaff). They were pretty impressed until they felt my muscles.
Overall, it was an enjoyable and successful evening out, although I regret to say that our sherpa is leaving the country after two years. Our group will be sans guide. Alas, we must continue on...
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