Friday, November 25, 2005

In case anyone was wondering... I do have a job

Since I'm in a PC room right now and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this card reader to work, I'm afraid that this particular entry will be photoless. I know what everyone is thinking: "Why would we want to use our imaginations?--Show us the goods, whiteboy" (or something like that). I know from experience how repulsive this idea is seeing how last night my neighbor lent me a book with--ready for this--no pictures. What on earth am I supposed to do with that? Since I wouldn't want my readers to wake up Friday morning and run to their computers only to realize that they have no new entry, I guess I'll just have to use my words. Anything to appease the hungry audience back home (as I pat myself on the back).

This is a good time for me to give a brief introduction to what will be a weekly blurb on my professional (author snickers) life. I have fortunately fallen into a very sweet gig. I am currently teaching 5 classes a day, 5 days a week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are the more sophisticated classes, i.e. they understand or at least pretend to understand english and can even converse a little. Tuesday and Thursdays are the joyous days when the classes are a little bigger and a lot slower--that is as far as english comprehension is concerned. So I have ten different classes, ranging from 6 to 12 students. I work from 4-9 MWF, and 3-8 TTr. Just for perspective--A couple of weeks ago when I was in Anyang, another teacher I met was saying how fortunate he was to work 9-6 Monday thru Friday. Yikes!

Having never seen a pure white Christian man before, the children are very curious and friendly. They like to say things like: "Teacher! You HANDSOME!!", to which I say: "Thanks, buddy... right back at ya!". For some reason it's always the boys that say that (scratches head).
One Saturday morning I walked down to the store and bought some treats to pass out to the kids on the street (they're everywhere) and I swear I was nothing less than the pied piper himself. The kids love waving, saying "HI!!" and giggling. I would be lying if I said I don't have a blast with it.

Anyway, back to the point (a loose term here) of this treatise: I am taking pictures of each of my classes and will publish my first entry in the next day or so. I'm starting with my smartest class, who have been a real joy to teach. I'll get to the little demon-monsters (kidding... not kidding... no seriously, kidding) in later weeks.

In an aside final note, I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and I want to express how much I missed my family and friends. Luckily, I have two wonderful neighbors who have gone out of their way to make me feel at home and successfully talked me off the ledge last night. Not to depress anyone, but the idea of going a thanksgiving day without family, friends, turkey, and the Dallas Cowboys is one that I never thought I'd face. I made it through it though, and had a wonderful day today. So, I guess there's hope for Christmas after all. Happy Holidays, everyone!


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