Seasons Greetings

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy New Year, and a belated Merry Christmas. I took these photos from the rooftop of our hogwan on Christmas day, just before sunset. As you can see, Korea is pretty crowded. However, it was silent on this rooftop at this time. And don't worry, I never thought about jumping.
Officially, I was never up here. I'm not technically supposed to come up here, but am encouraged off the record from higher powers to enjoy the view, which is exactly what I did on this splendid day. I dragged a bottle of cabernet with me and spent some quiet time of reflection and prayer. I should also say that I didn't drink straight from the bottle as I also brought a glass--albeit a coffee mug.
I raised my mug to various friends and family and said a quiet prayer for each one. I thought about my mom and dad, brother and sister, and their children and spouses. It hasn't been the smoothest year for all of us, but I thought about all the great things we have and how many great things the next year will hold. I made a toast to my extended family, and their yearly Christmas celebration. I also acknowledged the soccer bhoys back home, and toasted their continued health and happiness. I raised my glass to the boys back in Columbia, and to my old pool cue which they're now using (and they better damn well be taking care of her). I toasted my other friends in Columbia, St. Louis, and throughout whom I've been so fortunate to have. I said a prayer for the Oestereichs, who are more family than friends. I know this next year will be especially great for them.
I said a prayer of thanks for all of these wonderful people who have been so patient, loving, and accepting of me and are now my faithful readers. I also said a prayer of gratitude for my current place and the new friends in my life. Although at this moment I was all be myself, I never for a second felt alone thanks to the relationships in my life that transcend anything material. I drank to the people who have made me what I am, and how grateful I am to have them in my life.
Then I killed the bottle and decided it was time to get the hell off the rooftop. Happy New Year, everyone... and thank you all. Enjoy the view!!