What has two thumbs and rides the bus?

This pic was taken two weeks ago when I was en route to a Christmas/going away party. It costs about 75 cents to get on the bus and it will take me anywhere in Suwon. I tried the bus once back home and it was totally miserable as it took nearly two hours for me to travel about 10 miles. Not here, baby. The buses rule the road and they are all over the place.
The buses move along the streets at breakneck speed and all the other motorists and pedestrians have the good sense to get the hell out of the way. In order to board one of these things, one has to get a running start and run along side the bus as it slows down just enough to let you on. Think a bicycle relay team and you get the picture. The drivers don't piddle around at the bus stop and they never make unnecessary stops. These guys make turns that don't seem physically possible and blow through intersections daring any jackass to get in front of them. If anything gets in their way, they honk their mammoth horns which part the earth in front of them.
And just in case you're wondering, I always wear that expression on the bus. As if it isn't weird enough to see a white boy, the passengers have an especially goofy one to deal with. The picture was taken by my neighbor Pam, who told me to look pensive for the photo. I gave her my best pensive face and I think it worked out well--at least, if pensive means what I think it does.
On a side note, I have to give credit for everything I'm wearing in this photo except for the gloves to my wonderful Aunt Shirley, whom I miss alot.
Coming up next... the subway.
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