Awwww, Just look at them

The kids just moved on to a higher level book, and they are more than up to the challenge. Not only are these kids sponges, but they are really enthusiastic, sometimes to the point of aggravation. Some of my classes sit there like lumps when I ask a question or ask for a reader. Not these kids... they're all over it. When I ask for a reader their hands shoot up and they yell "Me! me! me!". They're a teachers fondest dream.
Just look at how anxious they were to be photographed. I asked them if they'd pose for a picture and they jumped out of their seats and shot to the back of the classroom. Notice how the boys are on one side and the girls on the other--This never changes. The boys always sit on my right, with Sky always sitting next to me, while the girls are always on my left, with Rachel and Laura alternately sitting by my side. I think it comes down to whoever gets there first, but it doesn't matter to me as they're both really sweet. Little Laura sat next to me today and I realized that her reading and speaking skills have improved markedly over the past two months. Even though it probably had more to do with her extremely smart classmates than yours truly, I can't help feeling gratification because of the tangible results.
This classroom is on the top floor of the building, and the entire hogwan knows when I'm coming. I'm usually met by one of them at the bottom of the steps, and they take off upstairs yelling "Chris teacher! Chris teacher!" They then will relay the information to the kids waiting at the third floor steps for me, and they run to the classroom as soon as they see me, yelling the same "Chris teacher!" Of course, I get a big kick out of this, and it is a great way to start my Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's too bad the rest of my T-Tr classes can't be like this, as the day gets tougher after that. On these days I've taken to bribing my later classes (more on that later), and they're starting to get a little better. This class, however, requires no arm twisting and is a blast to be around.
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